HomepageAcademic AffairsNotes from the Business Office

Notes from the Business Office

Updates from the Business Office

Updates and Reminders from the Business Office

As you may know some of our processes have evolved as shaped by our pandemic setting. The following guidance can be followed in terms of your interactions with purchasing and accounts payable. Questions regarding the details of specific situations should be directed to the business office.

  • All transactions should be digitally (sent via email) rather than paper. When possible, add a digital signature, or specify your approval in writing in the email.
  • Check requests and Travel Reimbursements: fill out appropriate forms, the most updated forms can be found here. Email completed forms to the academic department admin along with copies of relevant scanned receipts.
  • Credit card receipts: Ensure the following is included: scanned receipts (named and labeled appropriately), explanation of charges (if a meal, be sure to include the names of everyone in attendance), Account code to charge. Note if your academic department admin assists you in this process, make sure they have all of the above in order to reconcile each monthly statement. 
  • Other notes: Any reimbursements for faculty professional development funds should be sent by email to professionaldevelopment@ursinus.edu with receipts and completed check request or travel reimbursement form. Any reimbursements to be paid to a department chair must be approved by the dean’s office prior to sending paperwork to the business office.
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